Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Well here I am, it is late and I should be sleeping.

I am just fucking angry at DB.

I am tired of the games, tired of the financial burden, tired of court, tired of being nice, tired of being silent when I can't be nice. I am tired and pissed.

Seriously, he is just such a burden to me.

You know he actually had the audacity to tell me he missed some things about me, that he had learned from me and that Mrs DB did not behave in the same manner as me when it came to these certain things. He said he needed to whisper because well you know she may hear. Seriously, I don't even speak to this man unless I am forced to. How he snuck that load in I have no idea.

Then he texted me asking for a favor. I ignored it.

Tomorrow is court. This is the third time since June 15th.

I need to sleep but I am pissed. Maybe a little Chelsea Lately will make me giggle.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Back To Court

Yep, can you believe it? Of course you can because DB is nuts and if you are following my blog you know nuts.

He wants to modify the amount of child support he is NOT paying. We go back to court on Thursday and I will have recieved 3/4 of a payment by then.

He wants it cut in half. I hope to hell that the judge just throws it out without hearing the motion.